Slow down, it's a science
He's been waiting to bring you down

A B O U T 
✦Name| Batukhan Dotharl
✦Aliases| Frostwalker
✦Nameday| 13th Sun, 1st Astral Moon [1/13]
✦Age| 36
✦Height| 8'4"
✦Race| Xaela Au Ra
✦Gender| Cis Male
✦Alignment| Chaotic Evil
✦Sexuality| Pansexual
✦Class| Reaper
✦Occupation| "Contractor" (Serial Killer)
✦Religion| Disciple of Nhaama

Disclaimer: Batukhan is written to be somewhat OP, since he is a character made to be the Big Bad Evil Guy[tm] for anyone who needs that sort of villain for their own character arcs. This will not be a permanent state, and those characteristics are not pushed on unrelated characters.


There is something unsettling about the massive Auri, be it his piercing, perceptive gaze or the equally massive scythe he carries around. Maybe its the constant feeling of being watched, or the persistent flutter of movement in your periphery. Maybe its the cold that hangs about him, the frost that clings to his lips. And yet when he smiles, despite the sharp teeth, you cant help but be drawn in a bit. Be it morbid curiosity or those honeyed words that always know just what to say, you cant seem to get him out of your mind. You could almost swear you can see his form in the dark corners of your room - but he cant possibly be here.Right?

✦ Imposing
✦ Charismatic
✦ Hard to read
✦ Manipulative
✦ Methodical
✦ Narcissistic

"I'm starving, darling
Let me put my lips to something
Let me wrap my teeth around the world"


Batukhan is a name well known amongst the Dotharl; if his towering stature didnt single him out, then his skills with a scythe would. He is a man devoted to his tribe, and it was that devotion that drove him to an unusual course of action for him - the decision to leave the Steppe entirely.A deep seated hatred for the Oronir and the lovesick fool who sits upon the Dawn Throne has caused Batukhan to search for sources of power in other parts of Eitherys, not just for his own enrichment, but to also find a suitable source to bring back to his tribe. His ultimate goal is to see the Dotharl to the Dawn Throne in perpetuity, and for his own name to be even more revered amongst his tribemates.He has found a few sources, but has so far deemed them unfit to bring back to the Dotharl. One of which was a pact with a voidsent, which had given him its promised power alongside a legion of "Chitterlings" for a return known only to Batu. It is a challenge to feed all those voidsent, and so he has also taken to stalking the darkened streets of populated areas for unfortunate victims, giving rise to the serial killer known as Frostwalker.Batukhan still searches. Still hungers. Still stalks. Will you be unfortunate enough to catch his interest?


✦ Cold
✦ Dark places
✦ Fighting
✦ Power
✦ Soft textures


✦ Karakul
✦ Loud noises
✦ Excessive heat
✦ Questions to his authority
✦ Stupidity

✦ Wide nose with a strong jaw
✦ "Freckles" are actually small scales
✦ Body scales are small and pebbly like a lizard instead of plated
✦ Tail plates are ragged and thorny
✦ Hair is very soft and curly
✦ Very well muscled chest/upper arms/shoulders/thighs
✦ Tail is thick, and the plating prevents it from having the same range of movement that most tails have. The pincer at the end can pop a head like its a grape, though.

O T H E R ✦ R E F E R E N C E S

Batukhan of the Dotharl

If you are also Dotharl, maybe you have heard of the giant auri. You might know of his unyielding devotion to the tribe, of how he guards camps and fights as savagely as any of the beasts of the Steppe. Maybe he has taught you in wielding a scythe in this life or another. Despite how you feel for him, so long as you carry Dotharl blood he will protect you.


A killer stalks the streets of the city-states. Would you dare try to find out who is behind them?Despite his imposing stature, this contractor offers you his help in tracking down that monster. He seems friendly enough, and maybe youll feel a little bit safer with his scythe at your back.

I will add more as I think of them! Feel free to check back later!


✦ I am 25 and work two jobs, one of them being a freelance illustrator. Only 20+ characters/muns please!✦I enjoy darker themes, but I like variety! The only thing im not fond of are rps that are the equivalent of small talk - I would prefer there to be a plotline or goal of some sort, even if its simple! I just personally do not enjoy meaningless conversations and interactions.✦I am open to ERP only if it makes sense narrative and character wise! I must know and be comfortable with you/your character first before I would consider it though (outside of venue work).✦No godmodding, metagaming, etc - the usual. I wont bite your head off if you make a mistake or slip up, but if its a constant/semi-constant thing I will likely drop any rp we have and consider all interactions with my character(s) non-canon.✦IC =/= OOC. While I do put some of myself into my character please keep in mind that they are their own (fictional) people and will hold their own ic opinions about events and characters.✦My main rp methods are in game and Discord! Discord is my primary way of roleplaying since I can write a reply anytime, anywhere. I also enjoy in game RP but since I work two jobs my in game time is mostly limited to evenings.✦Communication! If something happens that you are uncomfortable with please let me know! I want to work with you to make sure were both comfortable and enjoying ourselves.✦I thrive on hcs, and actually prefer hcs as a starter point for our characters (so that we dont have to do in-rp small talk). If we have characters that interact feel free to bust into my DMs with any fun new hcs you may have!✦Im open to doing roulettes/trials/raids/etc with people! Im not at savage content yet but ill be open to those once I get there~ Im even open to help you out if you just need those short tank queues lol. My current classes:
- Tank: Warrior, Gunbreaker
- Healer: Astrologian (WIP), Sage
- Phys DPS: Reaper, Monk (WIP)
- Range DPS: Machinist, Dancer
- Caster DPS: Red Mage